Portfolio Module Elearning Interactive
- Module Custom
- Legal Awareness
- Anti Fraud Socialization
- Industrial Relation Telkomsel
- Legal Ethic
- Legal Compliance
- Code of Conduct
- New Business Continuity Management System
- Module OTS
- Basic Salesmanship
- Marketing Strategy
Indosat Ooredoo
- Module Custom
- Radio Celular Technology
- Core Fundamental Network
GoTo Financial
BPKH (Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji)
- Module Elearning Interactive
- Investasi Keuangan Haji
- Surat Berharga
- Penempatan Dana
- Investasi Langsung dan Lainnya Dalam Negeri
- LMS Moodle
Bank Bukopin
- Module Custom
- General Banking
- Module OTS
- Coaching - Counseling - Mentoring
- Presentation Skill
- Communication Fundamental
- Achievement Motivation
- Time Management
- Supervisory Skill
- Design Thinking Fundamental
Bank ANZ
- Module Custom
- Indonesia Regulatory Requirements
Eximbank Indonesia (LPEI)
- Module OTS
- Komoditas Kelapa Sawit
- Komoditas Aquaculture
- Komoditas Kopi
- Komoditas Textile
- Video Learning (Custom)
- Memahami Prinsip dasar Syariah
- Dasar-dasar "Penjaminan" di Eximbank Indonesia
- Mengenal Asuransi Eximbank Indonesia
Inpex Masela Ltd. (Migas Industry)
- Module Elearning Interactive
- HSSE Risk
- Live Saving Rules (LSR)
- HSSE Office Induction
- Covid-19
- UXO (Unexploded Ordnance)
BUMA - PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama
- Module Elearning Interactive
- Conveyor System
- Construction of Belt Conveyor
- Penyambungan Belt Conveyor
- LOTO (Lock Out Tag Out)
- Fire Protection
Asahimas Chemical (ASC)
- Module Elearning Interactive
- Pelatihan Proses Umum ASC
- Electric Safety
- Module Elearning Interactive
- ISO 37001 :2016 Anti Bribery Management system awarness
- ISO 55001:2014 Asset Management System Requirements
- ISO 45001:2018 OHAS Management System Awarness
- Business Continuity Management System
- The new IATF 16949:201
- Module Elearning Interactive
- Pengenalan Dasar Asuransi
- Module Elearning Interactive
- Pentingnya Mengelola Keuangan Pribadi
- Cashflow dan Dana Darurat
- Proteksi & Pengelolaan Risiko Keuangan
- Kriteria Keuangan Sehat
- Investasi
Universitas Andalas (Unand) - Padang
- Module Elearning Interactive
- Materi Kuliah (10 Module)